OSX Build problems

Jeroen Massar jeroen at massar.ch
Tue Mar 15 11:16:25 PDT 2016

On 2016-03-15 18:59, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 06:42:21PM +0100, Jeroen Massar wrote:
>> [TLDR: Full intent to provide proper patches, but I need it then to
>> build first as then I can debug the real problem: why the heck I get
>> segfaults when just running the tool and asking it to download from my
>> watch ;)  --- note the smileys and good intentions throughout... ]
> Excellent! Sorry for my grumpy email.

Shite happens, good that I have a thick skin (keeps me quite warm most
of the time as well, unfortunately not warm enough to not need a thick
piece of neoprene when diving Swiss lakes ;)

>> On 2016-03-15 18:20, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
>>>> I've been attempting to build subsurface also for a bit, with little
>>>> success. The dctool indeed hit me, but as per IRC, that was easily
>>>> circumvented... The QT thing seems to be way more annoying though.
>>> The funny thing is - we have about four people (optimistically speaking)
>>> who build on Mac and two who build for Windows (one ON Windows). So to me
>>> it constantly feels like I am spending a LOT of time on making sure
>>> everyone can build for not a lot of value.
>> Understood, hence why my target is to, when the build works, do a clean
>> build to make sure the build instructions are sane for everybody who
>> follows and provide those details so that it can be replicated.
> Looking forward to that. I assume you are building master and not
> v4.5-branch - I may want to make sure I track your patches for that as
> well so it's easier to build 4.5.4.

Yep, I am going against master.

The build script nicely pulls in the relevant other repos, which is a
useful thing to do.

>> I just did not get a full build going yet, and as I noticed the patch
>> for the path of Qt, thought I add my few intermediary cents just in case
>> somebody else knew how to attack the problem.
> Since there are a few of us who have builds going, I'm sure we can figure
> this out.
>>>> My current list of homebrew build depends is quite a bit more than on
>>>> the website:
>>>> brew qt5 install automake autoconf libtool libusb libssh2 pkgconfig hidapi
>>> So let's fix that.
>>> Oh, that's not complete, either. It misses asciidoc (ok, I guess one could
>>> call that optional) and cmake (definitely not optional).
>>> OK, done.
>> Great, thanks.
>> As noted, will test on an empty OSX install and then record all the
>> individual steps when I get it build, thus making sure that rebuilding
>> will be easy peasy for everybody in the future.
> add libxml2 to that list and see if that fixes your problem with the
> include path.

Adding: set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE ON) to the CMakeLists.txt makes me a
bit wiser that there seems to be a detection issue on my box, as the
actual compile command is:

cd /Users/jeroen/git/subsurface/subsurface/build/subsurface-core &&
[... lots of stuff ...]  -I/usr/include/libxml2 [... more stuff ]
 -c /Users/jeroen/git/subsurface/subsurface/subsurface-core/cochran.c
In file included from
fatal error: 'libxml/tree.h' file not found

yeah... that is not going to work, as /usr/include/ really does not
exist on this box ;)

I will figure out why/how it thinks that is correct.

Note btw that the homebrew version of libxml2 is not linked in
/usr/local/ per default, thus I don't think that cmake will find it
either even if you have it installed, as:


are definitely outside the cmake search path.

I'll read up on how:

gets used, as that discovers the include path and obviously that goes
wrong on my box.

>> I primarily noted that in the style of "I have a learning curve to
>> figure out what the heck is going wrong" :)
> And I primarily responded in the style of "I'm pissed off by now".
> Sorry about that.

I have had this exact situation: 100 people complain, and then when you
have had it, you reply to person 101 who actually was not ;)

Happens, next!

>> Not a fair comparison really, me being the new user trying to help out.
> Yes. I agree. That was cheap and uncalled for. My apologies.

No worries ;)


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