Subsurface iOS beta testing - now much easier

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Sat Mar 26 08:18:47 PDT 2016

> On Mar 25, 2016, at 1:14 PM, John Smith <noseygit at> wrote:
> I tried this version with an iPad Air 2 wifi running side by side with an android hudl.
> Loading - opens up to a white screen with subsurface mobile shown in the centre ( no logo unlike the android version )and moves on to the cloud credentials page. Entering a wrong password is correctly identified, re-entering gives me the accessing cloud message.

The splash screen for iOS is something that I haven't quite figured out, yet. If anyone has iOS experience and is willing to help, that would be very welcome.

> Once on the dive list, the font colour appears to be a little darker and is easier to read than android.

I just pushed a new Android version and a new iOS Test Flight version - the two should now be in sync again (except for the platform specific issues like the splash screen, lacking GPS functionality on iOS, etc).

> Selecting a dive shows the profile and details, this time the same font colour. Everything looks similar apart from the warning flags on the profile. In the iOS version, they are little more than red dots, the android version they are recognisable as flags.

Interesting. I noticed that the "device independent pixel sizes" aren't so device independent after all. So some UI elements show up much larger on some devices than on others. But this is different - I hadn't noticed this before (as most of my dives in the set I test with don't appear to have warnings or gas changes - I need to fix that for better testing). It seems that there's a scaling issue with those pixmaps on iOS. They are definitely too small.

> Rotating the screen to landscape works properly, no issues with redrawing.
> Making edits to old dives works ok and changes are replicated across the cloud ok.
> Adding a dive works well, although adding a dive out of time sequence also means that the dive numbers are out of sequence.

Yes, we have no "renumber all dives" function on Subsurface-mobile. That should be an easy one to add.

> If you tick the use current gps box on an iPad without gps it gets a little confused, but didn't crash.

Can you say what "a little confused" means? 

> Deleting worked properly.
> Overall it worked extremely well straight out of the box with no major issues 

Excellent. And thank you for that detailed report. Really appreciated.

> Slight annoyances are that the left and right bottom slides can be a little difficult to catch properly. The right slide will often bring up the iPad right hand slide - displaying the calendar.

Yes, see the separate comments. Only some iPads have that right hand slide - but on those it's really hard to access the context menu.


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