Subsurface iOS beta testing - now much easier

Robert C. Helling robert at
Sat Mar 26 09:10:49 PDT 2016


> Am 26.03.2016 um 16:19 schrieb Dirk Hohndel <dirk at>:
>> On Mar 26, 2016, at 2:26 AM, John Smith <noseygit at> wrote:
>> I've loaded subsurface to an old iPad 2 and noticed a slight catch in the movement when you scroll through the dives.
>> It's in the last couple of percent of the movement and doesn't matter which way you swipe.
>> The same lag is there on a faster iPad but isn't so noticeable.
> That little "catch" seems to be a QML "feature". I haven't found a way to remove it. We have the same on Android as well. On slow devices I find it rather annoying.

In addition, when you scroll to the end of something like a list or table on iOS, there is usually some bounce but so far we just get stuck at the end. I have to admit I have no idea how to address these kinds of things. 


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