iOS beta testing

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Wed Mar 30 05:31:04 PDT 2016

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 09:37:44AM +0100, David Brander wrote:
> I've tried to export some dives from Suunto DM5 (as I have a Vyper I
> usually use this on a PC) and import them to Subsurface, however when I do
> they end up importing without any time - i.e. a zero minute dive!  On the
> app I can edit it and put a time in and it seems ok but I can't work out
> how to edit something like dive time on the PC application.  I've attached
> the export from DM5 (the XML doesn't import at all, the SDE imports but
> ignores dive times).

OK, so this seems like a bug in Subsurface. We should be able to correctly
import dives from DM5. You obviously could just download your dives
directly from the Vyper (at least the last few that are still fully in
memory) to get the expected experience while our import conversion expert
looks at this, but definitely not as it should be.

Could you send us the DM5 SDE file so we can fix this?

> A couple of things from using the app - When you are in the dive list,
> could there be a button to create a dive?  Having to open the menu, go to
> manage dives and add dive manually is a bit of a pain.  Typically on an iOS
> app I'd expect to see something like a menu bar at the bottom which has a
> pencil icon to create a new thing, similar to the below from the notes app.
> [image: Inline images 1]

So that's a philosophical thing. What you want as a button vs. in a menu
depends on what you think you'll be most likely to do. And I have learned
that different users have very different ideas what they are likely to be
doing. Take me for example. The likelihood of me wanting to add a dive or
edit a dive on the mobile app is 0.00%. I get violently sea sick on boats.
The idea of staring at a phone and entering things... no thank you. And in
general, I hate the on screen keyboard experience, so I'd never be tempted
even if I wasn't on a boat to write things on a phone. But that's just me.

The other downside of having the area at the bottom with the buttons for
actions is that it takes away vertical screen real estate. And I already
find myself wanting to make sure that as many dives as possible fit on one
screen. It's all about trade-offs, I guess.

> When I start to enter a dive manually, even if I have entered nothing it
> saves the dive to my dive log.  If I've not entered anything and not hit
> the save button it seems pretty pointless to save the dive.. When I click
> into said new dive and click the edit button it always opens the menu on
> the left, same when I save it again.

I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. Yes, the dive shows up in
the dive list, but unless you are on a tablet in landscape mode you
wouldn't really notice. If you abort the edit it disappears, if you save
it it stays. I'm not quite sure what flow you are describing. In general
when you click add dive, you should be directly in edit mode. Am I missing

> When I'm entering new information it could be nice to be able to choose
> from a drop down - say for things like your buddy/suit etc. to save typing
> their name in each time.  The same with the date - can there be a scroll
> box thing like below:
> [image: Inline images 2]

Drop downs and scroll boxes drive me nuts in most places, but at least for
the date I agree with you, we need a date picker. This is in part a
challenge of using a third party tool kit in order to build for several
platforms from one source base. Kirigami doesn't have some of the
components, yet, that we'd need for that.

> Whenever I am entering text - I cannot press and hold to move the cursor
> around to edit things like normal, I can only click an approximate position
> and hope I get it right.  My thumb is not that accurate =-( Is there a way
> to enable the zoom view thing?

That's a bug that I hadn't noticed. Odd. I'll ask the Kirigami developers
about this.

> Sorry to throw a lot at you!

No, that's exactly what I'm hoping for from testers. I'm actually quite
surprised that 3/4 of the testers apparently download and install the app
and then never send us any feedback. I find that very weird.


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