Very timid beginning framework for BLE communication

Linus Torvalds torvalds at
Mon Apr 24 13:17:03 PDT 2017

On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 10:26 AM, Linus Torvalds
<torvalds at> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 12:44 AM, Rick Walsh <rickmwalsh at> wrote:
>> Summary of brief testing, it appears:
>> - download works with a BLE controller
>> - this breaks pairing (at least for me)
>> - this breaks bluetooth support for at least one non-BLE controller
> Hmm. The ble-prep branch really should change absolutely nothing
> (because it ends up using the exact same code) apart from the printout

Oh, I take that back.

I see what's up. The BT mode picking depends on having the whole Qt
bluetooth device info filled in, not just the address.

And normally we don't even have that, unless we just scanned the
device and paired with it.

So if you just use the old saved BT pairing information, my new
bluetooth mode code will screw up entirely and think that you
shouldn't use bluetooth at all, because it didn't see a device mode.

So that whole "use the device info to pick RFCOMM or BLE" approach is bogus.

I will have to think more about this, but I think I have an approach
that might work.


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