4.7 - again-help more

Willem Ferguson willemferguson at zoology.up.ac.za
Thu Oct 19 21:44:26 PDT 2017

On 20/10/2017 01:08, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
>> On Oct 19, 2017, at 4:48 PM, Willem Ferguson <willemferguson at zoology.up.ac.za> wrote:
>> On 19/10/2017 22:19, Miika Turkia wrote:
>>> self compiled? docs disabled in cmake?
>>> miika
>> I built build 1026 and that has the same issue.
> Just build 1030 on ArchLinux and I have a user manual.
> Can you run ccmake and check if something odd happened with build options?
> /D

Dirk, please give me the precise ccmake command? Run from which directory?

Build 1003 does not have the problem. I should be able to backstep in 
the git tree and do consecutive builds to see at exactly which build the 
problem arises. What is the correct instruction for stepping back one 
step in order to rebuild a previous version?

Kind regards,


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