load-git and event parsing

Linus Torvalds torvalds at linux-foundation.org
Fri Feb 14 10:24:23 PST 2020

On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 7:06 AM Robert Helling <helling at atdotde.de> wrote:
> it almost does: It has an Obiwan error: when the stepping back finds a ‘\0’, it returns a pointer to the 0 rather than the next character. But that’s easy to fix.


> I was wondering if a better patch might be in another direction that keeps the “one string per entry” property: We could save those events as something like “modechange:OC” and then take a bit more effort when parsing those. What do you think?

Well, I'd prefer to not mess with the parsing code too  much, since it
generally has worked.

And the main use is actually for things like the notes section etc,
where you get a whole line (or multiple lines!) in the string. So
prefixes etc aren't wonderful.

The "modechange" thing should never have been a string in the first
place - it's not freeform, and it doesn't have spaces or anything like
that in it.

So it was not just violating the "don't do multiple strings for
different things on the same line" format, it was unnecessary to begin

For example, we don't make other things strings just because they
aren't simple numbers.

Anyway, I'll try to come up with something, including a fix for old
files (ie maybe "if name and modechange matches, then the name is
corrupt, lets fix it up").


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