Stupid Question

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Wed Apr 13 21:30:05 PDT 2016

Ha. Let's try the last three weeks...

$ git shortlog -s -n --since 2016-03-22
   133  Dirk Hohndel
    13  Linus Torvalds
     5  Robert Helling
     2  Tomaz Canabrava
     2  Miika Turkia
     1  Rick Walsh
     1  Werner Macho

~ 85% are my commits... -- did I mention unsustainable? Yeah, I thought so.


> On Apr 13, 2016, at 9:24 PM, Dirk Hohndel <dirk at> wrote:
> This is the log for the last ten weeks:
> $ git shortlog -s -n --since 2016-02-01
>    320  Dirk Hohndel
>     66  Tomaz Canabrava
>     30  Linus Torvalds
>     14  Miika Turkia
>     12  Robert Helling
>      8  Joakim Bygdell
>      6  Henrik Brautaset Aronsen
>      5  Rick Walsh
>      4  Willem Ferguson
>      4  Jan Mulder
>      4  Lubomir I. Ivanov
>      3  Marco Martin
>      3  Jeroen Massar
>      2  Salvador Cuñat
>      1  Guillaume GARDET
>      1  Werner Macho
>      1  Anton Lundin
> The fact that Linus is back to the #3 spot... ouch. And thank you, Linus, for stepping up - you have contributed some awesome code, lately!
> I appreciate every single patch, please don't get me wrong. And I am not accusing or blaming anyone of not doing enough. This is a hobby - other things in life are much more important.
> I'm just trying to explain why I am so adamantly begging people to write code. To look at QML. To send patches. 2/3 of the commits written by me? Not sustainable.
> There are lots of bugs in trac. Many, many of them are hard - but quite a few of them are really easy. That's a great starting point. Or just look at whatever little thing you wish was there. Or get started with QML - it actually is kinda fun after a while...
>> As an aside, I love the idea of multiple dive profiles for a dive but I think it is too hidden. *I* know it's there but I don't think it's going to be obvious to the typical user who doesn't read manuals. Conversely maybe it doesn't have to be obvious. This may not affect many users.
> I think it's very, very few users. On every single dive trip Linus and I get asked why we have more than one computer. I don't think there are a lot of people who do this. It's a feature that I love - but I have no illusion that this is what draws people to Subsurface (of course, for the ones who want this, I believe we are still the only option out there...)
> /D
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