Dive deletion and Synchronisation between Subsurface-mobile and cloud

Willem Ferguson willemferguson at zoology.up.ac.za
Thu Jun 16 02:14:15 PDT 2016

1) Subsurface-mobile has only one option of updating the local dive log: 
sync with cloud (either automatically or manually). I assume this 
synchronisation involves updating either the local dive log or the 
cloud-based copy with the latest changes that have been made either on 
the cloud or on the local dive list. This situation may be problematic. 
For instance I unintentionally deleted two dives on the local dive list. 
A sync deleted those two dives on the cloud-based dive log as well, 
certainly not that was intended. I would therefore prefer an additional 
option to download the cloud-based dive log, allowing recovery from 
unintended local edits. The desktop interface to the cloud with separate 
download and upload options is more functional.

2) For deleting dives from Subsurface-mobile, I would like to have the 
Undo option visible for at least three times the duration that it is 
now. I deleted two dives really by accident and the Undo option flashed 
past before I could react, partly because it popped up at a very 
unexpected moment because I did not realise I was deleting a dive.

Kind regards,

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