Subsurface-mobile for Android first release

Lubomir I. Ivanov neolit123 at
Fri Mar 11 08:33:40 PST 2016

On 11 March 2016 at 18:16, Dirk Hohndel <dirk at> wrote:
>> On Mar 11, 2016, at 7:39 AM, Willem Ferguson <willemferguson at> wrote:
>> On 11/03/2016 16:58, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
>>> I wonder if you are running out of memory. Subsurface (because of the way
>>> it is built, and the interaction with git) is a fairly memory hungry
>>> application... what phone/tablet is that on? Do you happen to know how
>>> much memory that device has?
>>> /D
>> I use a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge with 32 Gb RAM. I run the software no problem at all on my wife's Galaxy S3 with only 8 Gb RAM.
> I'm 99.999% sure that you are talking about the amount of flash in those devices, not RAM. I think I've seen reports of 8GB phones, but I don't think any ship, yet. Most phones have between 2GB and 4GB RAM these days, some 1GB. And it's the 1GB ones where I worry that we might run out of memory.

TMK, apps running in the Java virtual machine on Android have an
imposed memory limit, but one time i've tested that and it seemed as
if my app was able to use a lot more - around 100MB, while the limit
was supposedly lower.

for native applications (NDK):!msg/android-ndk/lcnwzszrESo/wYpPk5BNC-QJ

"the limit is actually not imposed on you, because it is only on the
Java heap.  There is no limit on allocations in the native heap..."

so since Qt on Android runs on the NDK and given how many gigs of RAM
some of these modern devices have, running out of memory seems
but who knows, i think this can be monitored via a task manager.


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